Depot like you mean it: how I organized my blushes and eyeshadows


One of my recent resolutions when it comes to make up is to consolidate as much as possible. One way that I have found to do this is to depot anything and everything that I can so I can have the products more easily accessible.

I keep all my Z-palettes plus a few other odds and ends in these two Ikea cardboard folders. It is a cheap and convenient solution for storage. You could even write on them with a marker.

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New MAC brushes: 221 and 137


MAC brush 221 and MAC brush 137

I can resist anything except temptation

Oscar Wilde

If the witty Oscar Wilde had had the (mis)fortune of meeting me, he might have changed that phrase onto “She can resist anything except brushes”.

When I entered my local MAC Store to have a look at the MAC So beauty collection, my eyes were immediately drawn towards these two beauties.

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How to depot the Zoeva Mixed Metals palette


In my never ending quest to have all my eyeshadows in free-form palettes, it  didn’t take me long after this palette first arrived to figure out that it would actually be very easy to depot.

As the pans, the same size than a regular MAC eyeshadow, are actually in a cardboard palette, you do not need many tools or complicated instructions, just some scissors and some spare time.

First step: detach the cardboard casing




The pans are glued to a cardboard casing. This casing is glued in turn to a rigider cardboard casing that constitutes the lid.

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Zoeva Mixed Metals

Zoeva Mixed Metals

I recently acquired the Zoeva Mixed Metals palette after seeing some good reviews by different bloggers.

The palette contains 10 bright metalic eyeshadows. Each pan contains 1.5g of product, which at 17.50€ for 15g of product  makes this palette a very interesting one.

Zoeva Mixed Metals

The palette contains a very interesting range of shadows, from more neutral ones to bright pops of colour like Copperplate.

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Latest discovery: Zoeva 142/Concealer Buffer

Zoeva 142/Concealer Buffer

  I must say that the Zoeva 142/Concealer Buffer brush (8.80€) had picked my curiosity for a long time. I had seen it in various blogs and I thought that the size and shape could be something interesting to play with.

It is a small round shaped and tapered brush made of synthetic bristles. It is quite dense, and so you can really buff products in. However, it is also very soft, so no fear of irritating your skin.

Zoeva 142/Concealer Buffer


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