
I am a young woman on the brink of 30 who got a bit late into the make up game but I am really enjoying it and catching up with the rest of you!

I am constantly trying to step outside of my comfort zone (for the longest time I would not dare to wear red lipstick!) and to improve my skills.

I am in a perpetual quest to find my holy grail foundation, and, meanwhile, I get excited and enjoy new products and launches.

I live by the Mediterranean sea, but my love of languages means that I browse the net in English and thus write this blog in English too.

There are no photographs of me because a) I am shy and b)I seem to lack the selfie gene.

All my photographs are taken in natural light next to a window and have no editing. Natural light can vary depending on the season, hour of the day or weather conditions, and this can affect the colours of the products photographed. Please keep that in mind.

You can contact me at: transientbeauty@hotmail.com

3 thoughts on “About

    1. ¡Hola Rosa!

      Tal y como explico en el about, soy una gran apasionada de los idiomas, y de hecho, navego mayoritariamente en inglés: leo blogs, leo noticias de actualidad, busco informacion, veo videos … todo en ingles. Asi que me pareció que la opción logica era seguir esta tendencia.

      Un saludo


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